is a form of inflammatory arthritis mostly affecting joints of the periphery
(feet, knees, hands, and elbows).1 The big toe is the most common
and notorious site of acute gout attacks, and these attacks are extremely
painful. Some have said the pain is on the same level of order as childbirth. Needless
to say, gout is no fun ordeal to deal with.
that being said, my goal is to help you understand how gout develops, and show
you what you can do about it in order to prevent or treat it.
The Development of
results from a multi-step process that ultimately ends in the formation of uric
acid crystals that are deposited into the joint spaces. Joint inflammation and
pain then ensues leading to what is commonly called a ‘gout attack’.
do these uric acid crystals come from? And how do they form in the first place?