February is American Heart Month and everybody is going red in support of building healthy hearts. There's fundraisers, walks for the cure, and even activities to teach kids about healthy hearts. While these events are a great way to raise money and awareness for cardiovascular disease, many of them fall far short of spreading the message that truly needs to be heard to rid ourselves of this devastating disease.
The video below is a portion of my lecture on using drugs vs diet for the prevention, treatment, and reversal of cardiovascular disease. I discuss the evidence-based data from clinical trials on both treatment approaches allowing you to see how well (or not) each approach works in tackling the number one killer in the world—cardiovascular disease.
The video below is a portion of my lecture on using drugs vs diet for the prevention, treatment, and reversal of cardiovascular disease. I discuss the evidence-based data from clinical trials on both treatment approaches allowing you to see how well (or not) each approach works in tackling the number one killer in the world—cardiovascular disease.